Claude Estrada Cuellar
US Army Airforce, WWII

born July 11, 1922
died October 16, 2005


Various photos collected by previous owner of photo album.
German Officer?
Photo album found in a house in Frankfurt by Claude Cuellar. It had some of the following photos in it from the German Officer that owned it.
home Background Claude's photos Photos of unknown German officer/soldiers Note to Col. Raff from unknown US soldier Links

I assume this serviceman was the owner of the photo album found by Claude Cuellar (USAAF)

Google shows this to be a uniform of a member of the Luftwaffe. The 3 wings is the rank of Feldwebel in the Luftwaffe, the equivalent of Technical Sargeant in the USAAF.

Whose son was this? Did he ever have any grandchildren to tell war stories to?

A kinder, gentler moment with a dog.


A funny moment in an unfunny war.

Letters to his loved one?